Highest quality standards in the fields of assurance

Reliable information is essential for building trust in a business and its value. Investors, the general public and the business itself all depend on the very highest level of quality.

Our auditors and IFRS specialists offer clients more than just professionally correct auditing and consulting services. They combine their expertise with many years of experience in the industry and thus are able to provide reliable advice which is tailored to the specific situation of our clients.

In the auditing field we offer:

  • Audit Services
  • Accounting Services

The benefits for you

We offer you effective and cost efficient audits in compliance with all national and international generally accepted standards on auditing. We plan and conduct our risk based audit approach by focusing on the special characteristics of your industry and your business.

Our accounting advisory services concentrate on the legal and management requirements related to the needs of your company to offer you transparency and reliability.

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